
Money & Capital Markets (FINC381)

Texas A&M University (Fall 2023)

Course Description

This course examines money, financial markets, and financial institutions. The first half of the course covers interest rates, the Federal Reserve, monetary policy, and financial crises. The second half explores financial markets, financial instruments, banking, and other relevant topics. This course demands analytical thinking and the application of economic concepts.

Survey of Finance Principles (FINC409)

Texas A&M University (Spring, Summer, Fall 2021)

Course Description

FINC 409 introduces key principles of finance to non-business majors. This course may not be used to satisfy degree requirements for majors in business or agribusiness. Topics covered include financial statement analysis, corporate financial management, time value of money, financial markets and institutions; bond and stock valuation; and capital budgeting.

Finance Bootcamp

Texas A&M University (Summer 2020, Summer 2021)

Course Description

Designed expressly for new PhD students, this course establishes a robust foundation in essential programming tools, bridging academic theory and applied research skills. Students will be acquainted with Matlab, SAS, Stata, and other programming essentials vital for research in finance and economics. The course offers an introduction to the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS), emphasizing effective data management techniques within the platform.

Teaching Assistant

Managerial Finance (FINC361)
Instructor: Prof. Wei Wu: Spring 2024, Texas A&M University

Investment Analysis (FINC351)
Instructor: Prof. Philipp Illeditsch: Spring 2022, Texas A&M University
Instructor: Prof. Marco Rossi: Fall 2019, Texas A&M University

Stochastic Methods in Finance (FINC689)
Instructor: Prof. Philipp Illeditsch: Spring 2022, Texas A&M University

Valuation (FINC443, FINC605)
Instructor: Prof. Shane Johnson: Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Texas A&M University

Money & Capital Markets (FINC381)
Instructor: Prof. Daivd Skeie: Fall 2018, Texas A&M University